Secure Temp Mail

Temp mail bot telegram

11 Oct 2024

Temp mail bot telegram

  1. TempMailBot: This bot allows you to create temporary email addresses and access the mailbox directly from Telegram. It’s useful for receiving verification codes and messages.

  2. Mail2Telegram: This bot forwards emails to your Telegram account using Cloudflare Email Routing. It can convert emails into Telegram messages, making it easy to manage temporary emails. 

  3. Priyo Mail-Bot: Developed by @riz4d, this bot uses the 1secmail API to generate temporary email addresses. You can check your inbox and delete emails as needed.

How do I use Priyo MailBot?

  • Open Telegram: Launch the Telegram app on your device.
  • Search for Temp Mail: In the search bar, type “T-Mailand select the bot from the search results.
  • Start the Bot: Click on the “Start” button to initiate a conversation with the bot.
  • Generate a Temporary Email: The bot will provide you with a temporary email address. You can use this email for registrations, verifications, or any other purpose where you need a temporary email.
  • Check Your Inbox: Whenever you receive an email, the bot will notify you. You can view the email content directly within the Telegram chat.
  • Delete Emails: If you want to delete any emails, you can use the commands provided by the bot.

What are the available commands for TempMailBot?

  1. start: Initializes the bot and provides you with a temporary email address.
  2. Priyo mail: Manages your temporary email account.
  3. inbox: Lists all emails received in your temporary mailbox.
  4. delete: Deletes a specific email from your inbox.
  5. deleteall: Deletes all emails in your inbox.
  6. new: Generates a new temporary email address.

What happens if the temporary email expires?

1. Email Deletion:

  • All emails in the expired temporary mailbox are permanently deleted. You won’t be able to retrieve any messages once the email address expires.

2.Address Reuse:

  • The expired email address may be recycled and made available for other users. This means someone else could potentially receive emails sent to that address after it expires.


  • Some temporary email services might notify you before the email expires, giving you a chance to save any important information.

4.New Address:

  • You can always generate a new temporary email address if you need one after the previous one expires.